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Aim’s top stocks, Podcast, ETF portfolios review, sector focus on specialist shops & more

IC Daily email update
April 28, 2017

In our cover feature this week we conclude our Aim100 review of the biggest stocks on London’s junior market with our verdict on each.

To listen to a discussion on the Aim 100 and the other main news and features in this week’s magazine, listen in to our free Companies & Markets podcast with companies editor Ian Smith. For all the articles published in this week’s magazine in one place, click here.

In our second feature this week James Norrington updates on the two ETF portfolios put together for our Asset Allocation for 2017 feature in December. Find out how they have fared and what changes are being made.

This week’s Sector Focus by Harriet Russell examines the investment case for specialist retailers who serve the hobbyist market, where failures have outweighed successes in recent years.