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Prices and data for bonds, gilts and Pibs

NEW! Updated-daily prices and data for UK gilts, linkers, corporate bonds and Pibs
March 5, 2009

We have teamed up with FixedIncomeInvestor to bring bond and gilt prices onto the IC website, in response to the significant increase in interest in this asset class amongst private investors.

You can access the relevant data using the links below, free of charge, but you will need to be a registered user to do so. Each page shows a table of securities, and you can reorder the list by clicking on the column headings. Clicking on the names of the issuers takes you through to a page with some additional data and a price chart.

Access prices and data on gilts

Access prices and data on index-linked gilts.

Access prices and data on popular corporate bonds

Access prices and data on Pibs

It is not currently possible to add these instruments from the tables directly to your portfolio tool, although you can put gilts in your portfolio by searching for them in the portfolio tool itself.