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Why can't I read this article?

A guide to article access rights on the IC website
February 22, 2008

Access to articles on the IC website is currently divided into three different categories: free, registered and paid. Here's a guide to what you can read in each category.

You can only read tips of the week, tip updates, IC Trades (all on the TIPS page), stock screens and certain columnists (including The Trader, Sector Watcher and Simon Thompson) if you are an IC Advantage subscriber and you have logged in. These articles are labelled with a red 'A' symbol. For more on IC Advantage, click here.

Please note that if you are not a subscriber, and you click on a tip update or tip of the week article, you will be directed to a 'Free Tips' page. This contains tips that you can read if you register, which is free.

Registered users can read free tips, results, markets and sectors articles, City Trades, and all columnists other than the ones detailed above. Registration is free - click here for more.

Free users can read most other content, including and all the content on the Investment Guides page.

In terms of data, you will need to register to view company financial data (P&L, balance sheet and cashflow) and to use the portfolio tool. You will need to be an IC Advantage subscriber to view broker forecasts, to use triggered alerts and to use the stock screening tool.

For more information on what is available to each level of access, see this matrix.