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Not your normal finance show: A dog is for life, not just for lockdown

Coronavirus has increased the UK's demand for furry friends
October 21, 2020

The UK is in a puppy frenzy. The loneliness of lockdown, combined with the realisation that working from home is likely to last a long time saw demand spike. Average puppy prices have doubled. 


But will lockdown last for as long as all these puppies lives? Charities like the Dogs Trust worry that an inevitable return to work and the economic challenges facing many British people might leave many of these lockdown puppies without loving homes.  

But for now, the ancillary market for pets is booming - the initial price is only the start of the costs. Vets bills, insurance, toys, treats, food, training and grooming make a £2000 puppy a great deal more expensive during the course of its life.

In this podcast we’re taking a closer look at the UK’s pets industry and how long the good times look set to last. 


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